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|| Shilam Param Bhushanam ||
Shri. Yashwant Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s, Kodoli

Pradip Patil Ayurvedic Medical College, Khutalwadi 


Yashwant Ayurvedic Hospital, Khutalwadi

Kriya Sharir

About Kriya Sharir Department

Departmental Subject wise information:

  • Kriya Sharir (Human Physiology)     Subject Code: AyUG-KS

is an important subject of the Ayurveda. Kriya Sharir is the science, which deals with the study of human body in relation to its Physiological norms i.e. functioning of human body in its normal state. This department is equivalent to physiology of the contemporary medical science. One understands the normal processes of body i.e. Kriya Sharir.

The whole purpose of Kriya Sharir is to explore the normal functions of the living organism, their principles, their mechanism and their actions. It involves understanding human physiology along with the principles of functions of human body from Ayurvedic perspective.

In this subject, students get introduced to basic Ayurvedic concepts like Dosha-Dhatu-Mala, Pachana, Prakruti, Atma, Mana etc. The Health of an individual is based on Three pillars of the body i.e., Dosha, Dhatu & Mala. Kriya Sharir subject mainly deals with these three pillars. Students must understand and learn normal function, basic concepts, knowledge and applicability of Human Body all these fundamental topics essential for the proper understanding of etiopathogeneses, diagnosis of disease and its management in next academic year subjects.

Kriya Sharir Department NLH Activity - Demonstration of ICU rare case (Sub centric calcified Granuloma in Frontal lobe)